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When Should You Replace Your Windshield? Read this article to learn how to identify if it’s time to replace your windscreen. Chips, cracks, and white haze are common warning signs that your windscreen may need replacement. The location of the breakage also matters. If it’s in the line of sight, you’ll need a new windshield to protect your car from further damage.


If you’ve ever been in a car accident that resulted in a windshield crack, you know that the glass is made to break up into smaller pieces. While repairing a small chip or crack is possible, it is not recommended. The glass will not hold up over time, especially during harsh winter months. In such cases, it’s best to replace the windshield. Read on to learn why you should replace your windshield and how you can prevent it from happening.

Depending on the season, warmer or colder weather can affect the time that windshields are installed. The temperature can affect the curing time of adhesives used to bond a windshield to a car. During the summer months, urethane adhesives can cure faster. In this case, it may be better to wait until the weather is warmer before scheduling an appointment. However, in winter, the minimum drive-away time is longer. A technician will determine the exact amount of time needed for you to drive away after your windshield is replaced.


If you notice cracks in your windshield, it’s time to replace your windshield. While small cracks aren’t dangerous, they can obstruct the driver’s line of vision and result in distorted vision. Not all cracks on windshields require windshield replacement, though. Small cracks can be repaired with clear tape, but larger cracks might require windshield replacement. Thankfully, windshield replacement is free with some insurance companies, so you don’t have to pay for the expense.

Small windshield chips are easy to repair, and many people choose to ignore them until they get to a larger, more serious problem. However, these repairs will not last and aren’t recommended for severe damage. You can even try to repair small chips, but they won’t hold up for long and will likely need to be replaced. A replacement windshield is a much better option and will prevent further damage.

White haze

If your windscreen has a white haze on the edges, you probably need to replace the windshield. Hazes may be caused by rains, mist, and temperature variations. Sometimes a windshield will also become hazy after you use a poor-quality glass cleaner. A Windshield Expert can examine your car’s windshield and make a recommendation as to whether you need to replace the windshield.

Another cause of the white haze on your windshield may be a leak in your vehicle’s engine. Overheating your vehicle accelerates the evaporation of fluids, which leave a film on your windshield. Once it dries, the chemicals are difficult to remove. This may require an expensive windshield replacement. If you think you need to replace the windshield, here are some easy tips. Use a squeegee to clean your windshield.

Changes in temperature

As we approach fall, the temperatures are changing. While the sweltering heat of Summer has been tossed aside, the cool air of Fall has arrived. Trees are starting to drop leaves, bringing with them twigs, seeds, and nuts. This can be dangerous for your auto glass, so park your car away from the trees and in a garage. The technician will be able to determine the minimum drive away time necessary for the cold-weather install.

Warmth and cold temperatures put more stress on the auto glass, so taking it easy is important. This is especially true when the temperatures are extreme, so you may want to replace your windshield during these months. If the temperature is extreme, however, it could also lead to a stress fracture, which can take a significant amount of time and effort to repair. In any case, a professional will be able to recommend a suitable time to replace your windshield.


When is the best time to replace your windshield? The right time for replacing your windshield depends on the type of weather conditions. In the summer months, the temperature is warmer, which will slow down the curing process of the adhesive used to bond the windshield to your car. In colder climates, the adhesives will not work as well. Because of this, it is best to schedule your appointment in the spring and fall. However, if you are planning a long trip, schedule an appointment for the coldest months of the year.

Those who drive on a highway often will experience pitting. These spots will appear in the side of the windshield and will make the glass difficult to see through. These cracks may eventually lead to bigger problems, such as chipping or even a total replacement. If you notice any pitting, get your windshield replaced as soon as possible. It will be cheaper than repairs, but you will have to pay more in the long run.

The post When Should You Replace Your Windshield? appeared first on World News.

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